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Hot Herbal Compresses

When you chose your herbal compress you will be contacted to establish  if there are any allergies or sensitivity towards herbs and spicies used in your compress. We need to make sure your health will not be compromised.

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woman with herbal compresses on her face

Rejuvenating compress

Integrated system of holistic medicine incorporating the Indian Ayuverdic System with Chinese practice. Rejuvenating compress consist of herbs like rose, green tea, camomile and many more. It can help with clearing the skin, rejuvenate, heat and smell encourage deeper relaxation, helps with puffiness, migrines. It can be added to indina head massage and goes wonderfully with face reflexology

Hot compress for pain

Hot herbal compress for pain consist of herbs and spicies like eucalyptus, ginger, turmeric , cloves and few more. It can be used alongside cupping therapy or indian head masage.

men's back with herbal compresses
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woman's face with herbal compresses on her

Cold/decongestion compress

This compress is an amazing additon to your fight with cold or sinuses. It consist of herbs and spicies like lime leaves, camphor, himalayan salt , ginger and few more. It can be added to your fcae reflexology or indian head massage

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